
TANGRAM – video platforma je profesionalna glavna stanica 1HU). U jedno šasiju GT01 ide 6+1 različitih modula – moduli imajo različne funkcije i pomoču njih pripremimo sva potrebna procesiranja: kao TV preko IP mreža, IPTV rešitve kot VOD, TV in OTT ali Web TV…
Pregled Tangram modula i šasije
GT 01 Bazno kučište – šasija
GT 01W 230V (tip GT 01 0 230V bez Switcha) in GT 01W 048 (tip GT 01 0 048 bez Switch); sa naponom 230V odnosno 48V ulkjučivo Switch na zadnjoj strani (GT 11) i ventilator. Šasija GT 01 podupire redundand koncept (1+1, n+1) (GT55W0230 i GT55W0048– redundand ispravljači)
Tangram Edge Moduli
GT21W – IP to 6xPAL kanalov po modulu

- High quality IP to analogue PAL/SECAM/NTSC modulation
- Up to 6 analogue channels on 2 RF outputs
- Outstanding signal parameters by direct digital modulation
- HD to SD downscaling functionality
- MPEG-2 H.262 and MPEG-4 H.264 decoding (SD & HD)
- For measurement / monitoring test ports of the output signal
- Temperature and output level monitoring
- RTP/ IP input streaming with FEC error correction
GT22C - IP to 8x FM

- High quality IP to analogue FM modulation
- Up to 8 FM channels on 1 RF output
- Advanced MPEG decoding
- Outstanding signal parameters by direct digital modulation
- High density 48 FM channels in 1 RU
- RTP/ IP input streaming with FEC error correction
- RDS extraction and insertion
- For measurement / monitoring test ports of the output signal
GT23W – IP to 12xQAM

- High quality IP to QAM modulation
- Up to 12 QAM channels on 2 RF outputs
- High density 48 QAM channels in 1 RU
- For measurement / monitoring test ports of the output signal
- DVB CSA Simulcrypt scrambling
- RTP/ IP input streaming with FEC error correction
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- QAM channels individually switchable on/off
GT24W – IP to 8xCOFDM

- High quality IP to COFDM modulation
- Up to 8 COFDM channels on 2 RF outputs
- Outstanding signal parameters by direct digital modulation
- RTP/ IP input streaming with FEC error correction
- High density 48 COFDM channels in 1 RU
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- For measurement / monitoring test ports of the output signal
- DVB CSA Simulcrypt scrambling
Tangram vhodni moduli za procesirenje
GT31W – DVB Gateway

- vhod 4xDVB-S/-S2/-T/-T2/-C
- MPTS/SPTS streaming (CBR ali VBR)
- Multi transport stream reception for DVB signals
- Up to 4 DVB-S/S2/C/T/T2/ISDB-T RF inputs
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- RTP/ IP FEC output stream protection
- High density reception 24 transponder in 1 RU
- Demultiplex MPEG-2/MPEG-4 signals for SPTS transmission
- SPTS and MPTS streaming (CBR or VBR)
- UDP and RTP MPEG transport stream over IP protocol
GT32W - 4xASI-IP- in/out

- 4x ASI input or output, each BNC port configurable as input or output
- PID remapping and filtering
- RTP/ IP input streaming with FEC error correction
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- Demultiplexing from MPTS to SPTS
- High density 24 ASI in or out in 1 RU
- Supports IP input and output streaming (CBR or VBR)
- Supports 188byte and 204byte packet size
GT 34 8x/16xDVB-S/S2 IP Gateway

- DVB-S/S2 – IP gateway for IPTV, CATV and multiscreen solutions
- Reception of up to 16x DVB-S/S2 satellite transponders via 4 RF-inputs
- For saving cabling costs integrated SAT multiswitch
- Professional DVB transport stream processing
- SPTS and MPTS streaming (CBR or VBR)
- UDP and RTP MPEG transport stream over IP protocol
- High-density reception of 96 transponders in 1 R
GT 41 universalni IP procesni modul

- multiplexing/remultiplexing MPTS <> SPTS streams and scrambling of content.
- MPTS <-> SPTS IP Gateway
- DVB Scrambling for IPTV out
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- Supports MPEG-2 H.262 and MPEG-4 H.264 scrambling (SD & HD)
- SPTS/MPTS Streaming and Reception via IP (CBR or VBR)
- Dedicated Ethernet interface for CAS connection
- DVB CSA Simulcrypt scrambling
- High flexibility scrambling on PID Level
GT42W – 4xCI module (Multi Channel Decryption)

- 4 Common Interface (DVB-CI) slots per module
- CAM watchdog - auto reset on descrambling failures
- Support for all major CA systems and CAMs
- DVB/ARIB transport stream processing
- SPTS and MPTS streaming (CBR or VBR)
- Demultiplex MPEG-2/MPEG-4 signals for SPTS transmission
- High density descrampling 24 CA modules per 1RU chassis
- FEC output support - IP error protection
GT12W – SFP Switch extention module 4x SFP slot

- 4x SFP slots for optical or electrical access
- High flexibility for bandwidth extension
- High reliability by port and service redundancy for external connection (main/backup)
- Support of standard SFPs
- Bandwidth Port Monitoringon
Blue Line Edge Series

Reception of IP transport streams, processing and modulation in up to 12 QAM channels, single power supply.

Reception of IP transport streams, processing and modulation in up to 16 COFDM channels, single power supply.